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More from Kenia (2012)

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The Progress of the children: The children have progressed well with education; we have seen a tremendous change in the lifestyle of these young adults who were admitted to our home when were just young boys and girls; they are taking charge by helping with the daily cores at the orphanage, supporting the younger kids with home works and taking care. This year we are happy and very proud to announce that we have a total of 41 children aged between 5 and 21 years in our care and the largest number (5) who have completed their primary school in 2012, as parents we are hopeful that they will pass with good grades to join secondary school in February 2013.

On the right are the stages of the Asanti Project children in Pre/Primary school; Secondary School children, these children relying solely on the projects work with the help of our volunteers and well-wishers like you! We at Asanti Project appreciate all your tireless effort “You are the heart and Soul of our Project”, together we look forward to a brighter future for the young adults in our care

Water drilling project: The water kiosks in Sega, this implementation in 2011 which substituted the 5 KM walk with a 25 liters pot was a God sent gesture in our village, the water availability is at the door steps and the women are now very relieved because there is clean drinking water for the daily use at a small price of just the pump renovations and maintenances.

The next plan: To advertise and introduce the drilling technique to the local individuals who can afford the payments and privately owned secondary schools to support our local projects in the future.

The poultry farming: We have implemented the poultry farming which is now providing the orphanage with eggs and chicken for our home and a little extra for sale in the village. This was introduced in early 2012 and is successful in a small scale. The project has approximately over 1000 chickens and producing up to eight crates of eggs daily.


The next Plan: We intend to invest more on poultry farming for the 2nd quarter and a full report will be provided in the 3rd quarter. The local chicken will be kept for the meat for the orphanage and the hybrid for both eggs and meat purposes.

The Women project: The Asanti women project are advocating for behavioral change and recognition in the community. We are working to eradicate poverty by doing it ourselves; the local women in our project are planting tree seedlings and making baskets for sale at the local market for a small profit.

The Next Step: Introduction of the Zero grazing (Keeping of the cows for milk supply) and the active Micro-Finance partnership which was introduced in a small scale practice for the women only.

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Stage  Boys Girls
Baby class  and 1  0 4
Std. 4 3 0
Std. 5 1
Std. 6 3 2
Std. 7 4 6
Std. 8 2 2
Secondary / High school 8 7